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Lebo Lekhalanyane

Lebo, a proud mother of a young boy resides in South Africa where she has a degree in Community Health Psychology.


In 2014, she was diagnosed with DRESS Syndrome after being treated for what was initially believed to be tuberculosis. Her doctors suspected that her reaction was triggered by either Rifampicin or Augmentin. Her symptoms began 4-6 weeks after exposure to medications, with a mild rash on her lap and forearm, progressing to throat closure. During her hospital stay, her face and body swelled, her organs began to shut down, and her skin started to scale. She was treated with Solu-Cortef, prednisone, topical ointment, and pain medication.


It took 3 to 4 years for Lebo to achieve complete physical recovery from DRESS. Since then, she has experienced adverse reactions to other unrelated medications, including sulfur and iron infusions.


Lebo believes that it’s crucial to raise awareness about DRESS and its effects in her South African community, as many people in her region don’t have a clue about this disease. She knows that increased awareness will help diagnose and treat DRESS and ultimately save lives. She is grateful to the doctors who dedicated their best efforts to saving her life and the help she received from Nancy Szakacsy at the DRESS Syndrome Foundation.


Read more about Lebo's DRESS story here.

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