DRESS Syndrome Foundation welcomes patients and loved ones. We are a committed community of patients, providers and supporters.
We're here to help!
Whether you're new to DRESS Syndrome or have been struggling with long-term complications, we're here to help you. We believe a strong community and access to education about your condition can make a world of difference. We continue to forge relationships with experienced physicians and researchers in effort to keep you connected those who may help the most.
Attend DRESS Support Meetups, our virtual meetings for patients and loved ones
Listen to Addressing D.R.E.S.S., an educational podcast with patient and experts
Other resources and education:
Additional nonprofit and other organizations relevant to severe adverse drug reactions >
Understanding HHV-6 >
Understanding Pharmacogenomics >
MedlinePlus: online health and medicine resource
Our patient community bravely shares their stories and struggles with DRESS syndrome. Meet these DRESS survivors.